I'm having difficulties with NHibernate and a simple GROUP BY expression.
I have a table with records of user activity. I need to return the latest activity row for each user, sorted by Time descending, which also corresponds to descending IDs (autoincrement).
Basically, this is the SQL I want to run:
SELECT * FROM log_user_activity GROUP BY UserID DESC
I searched SO for an similar question and got a bunch of answers with projections, subqueries, DTOs...
Is there any simple way this can be done, without defining a new DTO class, or using a projection with anonymous object where I have to manually specify all the columns again? A solution using QueryOver syntax would be preferable, but not mandatory.
Is there any simple way this can be done, without defining a new DTO class, or using a projection with anonymous object where I have to manually specify all the columns again?
No, there is no other way, then:
...)But what we can do, is to profit from 16.8. Subqueries, and return just a list of mapped object as they are, filtered by these with the max Time
ActivityLog activity = null;
// subquery to be later used for EXISTS
var maxSubquery = QueryOver.Of<ActivityLog>()
.SelectList(l => l
.SelectGroup(item => item.UserID)
.SelectMax(item => item.Time)
// WHERE Clause
.Where(x => x.UserID == activity.UserID )
// HAVING Clause
Projections.Max<ActivityLog>(item => item.Time),
Projections.Property(() => activity.Time)
// final query without any transformations/projections... but filtered
var result = session.QueryOver<ActivityLog>(() => activity)
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