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Enable lazy loading on OData URL Query

It seems when returning IEnumerable from Web API Endpoint OData Query it enumerates \ does eager loading before applying query options. Here is what I mean:


public class SomeType
    public int SomeProp { get; set; }


public class SomeTypeController : ApiController

    public IEnumerable<SomeType> Get()

        return GetSomeTypes();

    IEnumerable<SomeType> GetSomeTypes()
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)


            yield return new SomeType { SomeProp = i };

when requesting /api/sometype?$top=2 I would expect to Trace 2 lines (0,1) but instead I see loop continuing to the end.

I expect behaviour same as calling Take(2) before returning:


public class SomeTypeController : ApiController

    public IEnumerable<SomeType> Get()

        return GetSomeTypes().Take(2);

    IEnumerable<SomeType> GetSomeTypes()
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)


            yield return new SomeType { SomeProp = i };

Is there any way to switch on Lazy loading for OData query options?

Query options is the only reason I use OData, so alternatives that can implement automatic query options are welcome.


  • The IEnumerable enumerates 10 times because default orderby is applied.

    This behavior is by design because $top requires a stable sort.

    If you don't want this, you can set the EnsureStableOrdering with false.

        [EnableQuery(EnsureStableOrdering = false)]
        public IEnumerable<SomeType> Get()
            return GetSomeTypes().Take(2);    