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Trying to call method in service from a controller

I'm trying to call a method in a service from a controller and am receiving the error:

'TypeError: undefined is not a function'.

Does anyone see anything wrong with how I have things set up?


angular.module('valid', [
]).config(function config($stateProvider) {
        .state('valid', {
            url: '/valid',
            views: {
                "main": {
                    controller: 'ValidCtrl',
                    templateUrl: 'valid/valid-template.html'
            data: { pageTitle: 'Valid' }


angular.module('valid.controllers', [
]).controller('ValidCtrl', function ($rootScope, $scope, $http, validSrvc) {



angular.module('valid.service', [
]).service('validSrvc', ['$http', function($rootScope, $scope, $http) {
    var organizationId = '5319e5f6e5a';
    var accessToken = 'yxqSf7y';
    this.getUserFitnessActivities = function (validUserid) {
        return $http({
            url: '' + organizationId + '/users/' + validicUserid + '/fitness.json?access_token=' + accessToken,
            method: 'GET'



  • A couple of issues I see:

    • In The controller, you refer to the wrong service name. validicSrvc should be validSrvc
    • In the service, you should not have $scope. $scope can't be injected into a service.
    • The service parameters use the array form of injection ['$http', function($rootScope... etc. I believe you are binding $rootScope to $http injection. Your array should have all the function's parameters.

    In other words

    [ '$rootScope', '$http', function($rootScope, $http)...