Is there a way to make the time (local) being used by the web based lotus notes application. I noticed that in notes client that basically it always uses the right time of the local machine so it doesn't confuse the users. Wherever he/she is in the world.
The problem is happening in the web, it uses the server machine time thus confusing the user. For example a user created a new document the time it would display or use in the web is the server machine. How can I use or convert it to local machine or local time zone.
The formula I used is just @Now
, I already looked in the internet for solution but I did not find what I need or maybe didn't noticed them so if you have links please share it here and if you know how then do guide me. I saw a solution but it's not efficient, it requires changing the web browser options thus it requires to be set up in every computer. I would like to implement it in codes thus the users would not do anything.
Is there a formula in getting the timezone of the local machine? @GetCurrentTimeZone
which still gets the timezone of the server.
I would use Javascript in the browser to detect the local timezone and adjust the time accordingly.
Updated: Take a look at this blog entry:
I would suggest that you do something similar. Put a span around the time (make sure you have the time as GMT/UTC) with a specific class that makes it easy for you to get all the instances of a time you need to change. You want the HTML to look something like this:
<span class="GMTtime">7/8/2014 1:23:45 PM UTC</span>
Then you write some Javascript/jQuery code that will execute after the page is loaded (like in the example linked above). Something like this (not tested):
$(".GMTtime").each( function() {
var gmttime = $(this).html(); // Get GMT time value
var d = new Date(gmttime); // Create date object
// Get local time and remove TZ offset at end
var localtime = d.toString().replace(/GMT.*/g,"");
$(this).html(localtime); // Replace GMT value with local value in HTML