I have Qt5
project that successfully compiled against shared
Qt libraries, but I get a lot of errors (about 130 errors) like * error: multiple definition of 'XXX'
when compile it against static
Qt libraries:
/usr/local/Qt-5.3.0/lib/libQt5Quick.a(qquickanimation.o): In function `_q_interpolateShortestRotation(double&, double&, double)':
qquickanimation.cpp:(.text+0x330): multiple definition of `_q_interpolateShortestRotation(double&, double&, double)'
/usr/local/Qt-5.3.0/lib/libQt5Declarative.a(qdeclarativeanimation.o):qdeclarativeanimation.cpp:(.text+0xd80): first defined here
/usr/local/Qt-5.3.0/lib/libQt5Quick.a(qquickanimation.o): In function `_q_interpolateClockwiseRotation(double&, double&, double)':
qquickanimation.cpp:(.text+0x3c0): multiple definition of `_q_interpolateClockwiseRotation(double&, double&, double)'
/usr/local/Qt-5.3.0/lib/libQt5Declarative.a(qdeclarativeanimation.o):qdeclarativeanimation.cpp:(.text+0xe10): first defined here
Almost all multiple definitions detected in pairs:
I need to libQt5Declarative
only for using MessageDialog
in my qml
My .pro
QT += quick declarative widgets network xml xmlpatterns multimedia
SOURCES += ...
HEADERS += ...
CONFIG += static
My questions are:
Qt Declarative is provided for Qt 4 compatibility. I presume it is not designed to be linked against by new Qt 5 projects. It appears that it has been subsumed by Qt QML and Qt Quick.
Static libraries have no facility for specifying which of their symbols are exported and which are not, so identical private symbols defined in two different static libraries may conflict.