I am doing some parallel SQL Server 2005 database restores in powershell. The way I have done it is to use cmd.exe and start so that powershell doesn't wait for it to complete. What I need to do is to pipe the output into a log file with append. If I use Add-Content, then powershell waits, which is not what I want.
My code snippet is
foreach ($line in $database_list)
# Create logins
sqlcmd.exe -S $instance -E -d master -i $loginsFile -o $logFile
# Read commands from a temp file and execute them in parallel with sqlcmd.exe
cmd.exe /c start "Restoring $database" /D"$pwd" sqlcmd.exe -S $instance -E -d master -i $tempSQLFile -t 0 -o $logFile
The problem is that sqlcmd.exe -o overwrites. I've tried doing this to append:
cmd.exe /c start "Restoring $database" /D"$pwd" sqlcmd.exe -S $instance -E -d master -i $tempSQLFile -t 0 >> $logFile
But it doesn't work because the output stays in the SQLCMD window and doesn't go to the file. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Mark.
If -o for the sqlcmd.exe works but overwrites, I would create a log file for each restore and then have all have return piped the contents of each log file into one master log file. Then you can clean up the intermediate files if you choose.