Can you please help me with my query. I am running a script .ksh with 2 of which is a number like 14103 and I want to extract 1410 out of this number and save it in a variable.
Foe e.g:
abc.ksh ST 14103
What I am doing is:
VER_N=`cut -c1-4 "$VER"`
But it is not working for me. What am I missing?
If you mean you want the first 4 characters, you do this entirely inside bash (which is a much better shell to use IMHO):
echo $VER_N
If you mean you want all except the last character (again in bash):
n=${#VER} # Get length of VER
((n--)) # Decrement
VER_N=${VER:0:$n} # Extract all but last
echo $VER_N
Or all but the last character, but using sed
VER_N=$(sed 's/.$//' <<< $VER)