I have a modx revolution snippet [ajax processor actually] that passes some data to another snippet calling a function...
// processor.formdata
$status = 'success';
$msg = '';
$output = $modx->runSnippet($_POST['snippet'],array(
'function' => $_POST['function'],
'formdata' => $_POST
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'got updateSurchargeData status. '.$output['status']);
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'got updateSurchargeData message. '.$output['msg']);
$response_array = array(
'status' => $output['status'],
'msg' => $output['msg'],
header('Content-type: application/json');
$output = json_encode($response_array);
return $output;
The $modx-runSnippet runs this:
//echo $scriptProperties('form');
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Running snippet. '.$function);
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Running snippet. '.implode(',',$formdata));
$output = '';
$core = $modx->getOption('core_path').'components/americansurcharge/model/';
$surcharge = $modx->getService('americansurcharge', 'AmericanSurcharge', $core, $scriptProperties);
if (!$surcharge instanceof AmericanSurcharge){
return 'Insantiation failed';
$scriptProperties['formdata'] = $formdata;
$output = $surcharge->$scriptProperties['function']($scriptProperties);
return $output;
which in turn runs this:
* update one surcharge data
* AmericaSurcharge.class.php
public function updateSurchargeData($scriptProperties){
$this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Running updateSurchargeData. '.implode(',',$scriptProperties['formdata']));
$output = array(
'status' => 'success',
'msg' => 'this is the message to return.',
$this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Finished running updateSurchargeData. '.$output['status']);
$this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Finished running updateSurchargeData. '.$output['msg']);
return $output;
Everything works & runs successfully, but the returned values from the $output = $modx-runSnippet return both "A" in each array key!
looking at the logs from AmericaSurcharge.class.php I get this:
(ERROR @ /index.php) Finished running updateSurchargeData. success
(ERROR @ /index.php) Finished running updateSurchargeData. this is the message to return.
and immediately following that from processor.formdata:
[2014-07-05 23:10:29] (ERROR @ /index.php) got updateSurchargeData status. A
[2014-07-05 23:10:29] (ERROR @ /index.php) got updateSurchargeData message. A
So somewhere between returning the $ouput array from AmericaSurcharge.class.php and getting it back in processor.formdata, something is happening to the values.
what am I doing wrong?
what am I doing wrong?
You are using snippets :)
When $modx->runSnippet($snippetName)
is called it returns only string. Not an array or smth else.
Just look at modScript process method:
public function process($properties= null, $content= null) {
parent :: process($properties, $content);
if (!$this->_processed) {
$scriptName= $this->getScriptName();
$this->_result= function_exists($scriptName);
if (!$this->_result) {
$this->_result= $this->loadScript();
if ($this->_result) {
if (empty($this->xpdo->event)) $this->xpdo->event = new stdClass();
$this->xpdo->event->params= $this->_properties; /* store params inside event object */
$this->_output= $scriptName($this->_properties);
$this->_output= ob_get_contents() . $this->_output;
if ($this->_output && is_string($this->_output)) {
/* collect element tags in the evaluated content and process them */
$maxIterations= intval($this->xpdo->getOption('parser_max_iterations',null,10));
unset ($this->xpdo->event->params);
$this->_processed= true;
/* finally, return the processed element content */
return $this->_output;
But you can still call your snippet as function. Something like this:
$snippet= $modx->parser->getElement('modSnippet', $snippetName);
if ($snippet instanceof modSnippet) {
$s = $snippet->getScriptName();
P.S.: The best way to solve you problem is using a real class-based processor instead of your processor-like processor. Advantages: