, .primarySize()
, and .size()
only return information for that node.
How do I get these information but for the whole cluster?
Scanning the entire cluster "works", but all I need is the keys or the count, not the values.
The problem is SQL query works if I want to find based on an indexed field, but I can't find based on the grid cache entry key itself.
My workaround that works but far from elegant and performant is:
Set<String> ruleIds = FluentIterable.from(cache.queries().createSqlFieldsQuery("SELECT property FROM YagoRule").execute().get())
.<String>transform((it) -> (String) it.iterator().next()).toSet();
This requires the key is the same as one of the field, and the field need to be indexed for performance reasons.
Next release of GridGain (6.2.0) will have globalSize()
and globalPrimarySize()
methods which will ask the cluster for the sizes.
For now you can use the following code:
// Only grab nodes on which cache "mycache" is started.
GridCompute compute = grid.forCache("mycache").compute();
Collection<Integer> res = compute.broadcast(
// This code will execute on every caching node.
new GridCallable<Integer>() {
@Override public Integer call() {
return grid.cache("mycache").size();
int sum = 0;
for (Integer i : res)
sum += i;