I have a question upon Strip_tags, html_entities and mysql_real_escape_string.
Now when I use for example:
This code above will be safe as well as this:
Which one is more safer for a real world project.
And what is the the benefit for using strip_tags and mysql_real_escape_string together. But when I use html_entities with them it won't work
You have to clear purpose at first. There's no all-around escapeing.
or htmlentities
Display user inputs as HTML.
<div><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['data'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?></div>
Use this function when you just about to display it. Do not apply it to store into variables beforehand.
Has this variable been already escaped...?
... You may trouble yourself.
Do not use this function. SANITIZE is a wrong way.
Set user inputs in SQL.
$sql = sprintf(
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = '%s' AND address = '%s'",
mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name'], $link),
mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address'], $link)
functions are all deprecated. You'd better use PDO
provides us Prepared Statements and Placeholders, instead of escaping.