I have an old MySQL database. Here is a time column. I see here is some time values Like:
2013-06-03 21:33:15
So, I want to convert this time to my local time UTC +6 in my PHP Script. How can it possible? I can make a mysql query to get the time from Database to my my PHP variable $TimeFromMySQL Just now I want to show like:
11:32:44 PM 05 July 2014
Thank You
See VMai's comment above if you want to do this in MySQL. For PHP:
$inDate = '2013-06-03 21:33:15';
$inDate_tz = 'America/Chicago';
$original_date = new DateTime($inDate, new DateTimeZone($inDate_tz) );
$original_date->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Asia/Dhaka'));
$new_date = $original_date->format('H:i:s d F Y');
echo $new_date;
//outputs 08:33:15 04 June 2013