Search code examples

Split a text file into muliple files

My sample text file is the following:

1.  -77.41936   37.238461
2.  -77.41932   37.238466
3.  -77.419275  37.238454
4.  -77.419247  37.23843
5.  -77.419235  37.2384
6.  -77.419243  37.238363
7.  -77.419268  37.238337
8.  -77.419292  37.238326
9.  #N/A    #N/A
10. #N/A    #N/A
11. #N/A    #N/A
12. #N/A    #N/A
13. #N/A    #N/A
14. #N/A    #N/A
15. #N/A    #N/A
16. #N/A    #N/A
17. -77.417944  37.23563
18. -77.417906  37.235634
19. -77.417869  37.235624
20. -77.417845  37.235605
21. -77.417829  37.235583
22. -77.417826  37.235552
23. -77.417841  37.235521
24. -77.417858  37.235506
25. -77.417877  37.235496
26. #N/A    #N/A
27. #N/A    #N/A
28. #N/A    #N/A
29. #N/A    #N/A
30. #N/A    #N/A
31. #N/A    #N/A
32. #N/A    #N/A
33. #N/A    #N/A
34. -77.433782  37.23745
35. -77.433175  37.237797
36. -77.433107  37.237815
37. -77.433047  37.237814
38. -77.432991  37.2378
39. -77.432933  37.237766
40. -77.432681  37.237481
41. -77.432648  37.237432
42. -77.432634  37.237378
43. -77.432638  37.237323
44. -77.432687  37.237209
45. -77.432714  37.23716
46. -77.432772  37.237083
47. -77.432844  37.237015
48. -77.432993  37.23694
49. #N/A    #N/A
50. #N/A    #N/A
51. #N/A    #N/A
52. #N/A    #N/A
53. #N/A    #N/A
>>54.   #N/A    #N/A

I want to separate each block of numbers. These blocks are separated by random number of lines containing #N/A #N/A. Each block must be save into different text file named segment"blocknumber".txt.

Is there an easy way to do this through batch file?


  • @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set count=1
    set flag=0
    for /f "delims=" %%i in (t.t) do (
      if "%%i" neq "#N/A #N/A" ( 
        set flag=0
        echo %%i>>file!count!.txt
      ) else (
        if !flag!==0 set /a count+=1 
        set flag=1