Previously, I posted a question where I asked about how to select a minimum number of Integers from a set, and having a sum >= a constant. My code was as shown:
option solver cplex;
set x:= {4, 5, 7, 1};
param c:= 10;
var u{x} binary;
minimize output : sum {i in x} u[i];
subject to constraint: sum {i in x} u[i]*i >= c;
display u;
I decided to add a new objective of minimizing the sum as well. In the previous example, cplex produces 12 (7 and 5). I want it to produce 11 (7 and 4). For this purpose, I added this objective:
minimize output : sum {i in x} u[i]*i;
Unfortunately, I have a student edition of AMPL, so I cant use 2 objectives. Now my new code will solve the problem but I want to ask if there is a work around or a trick to combine the 2 objectives into 1 yet still having the same functionality.
EDIT: I'm more interested in minimizing number of elements then to minimize the sum.
I found out a way to solve my problem. I would like to share it with you guys.
option solver cplex;
set x:= {4, 5, 7, 1}; #this is the set where I want to chose the integers from.
param c:= 10; #this is the constant i want the sum to be >= to.
param MinNumberOfELements; #this will be used later. Explanation will be added then.
var u{x} binary; #binary array, indicates the corresponding elements in x is used. u[4] = 1 --> 4 is taken in the output
minimize output : sum {i in x} u[i]; #here we minimize number of taken elements without caring of minimizing the sum
subject to constraint: sum {i in x} u[i]*i >= c; # the sum must be >= to the constant c.
solve; #this will cause the objective "output" to have some value
let MinNumberOfELements := output; # take the value of "output" and store it in this param.
drop output; #since we can have only 1 objective, we drop the old one.
minimize output2: sum {i in x} u[i]*i; # in this step, we minimize the sum
subject to constraint2: sum {i in x} u[i] = MinNumberOfELements; #number of elements chosen must be = to MinNumberOfELements
display output2,u;
I hope you find it helpful.