Hi every one i am little bit confuse about to install mod page speed module because i am very new to doing this task first time.
Issue:- Where to install the mod page speed module.i have two cpanel so where to exact installation need to start first is WHM go daddy or regular cpanel for my site.
1) WHM go daddy
2) regular cpanel for my site
I have the bellow configuration
1) Operating System:CentOS 5
2) Apache:- Server Version: Apache/2.0.63 (Unix)
so how can i start the installation of mod page speed module to speed up my wesite .
You need to install mod page speed on whm not on domain name allotted cpanel.
* Download putty for ssh connection to install page speed module.
* Open putty.exe
* Enter your Host Name like example.com
* Port No 22 and click open
* login as root
* Enter Password (If you get Access denied error do not woory) lets login with other user name which you use to login in cpanel
**** After login with othe user name Run the command " su - ".
**** Then Type your Root Password .
Follow the instruction from bellow command or link.
1) command:-
mod_pagespeed module for CPanel WHM
A custom module for CPanel WHM using CPanel Easy Framework - allows easy installation of mod_pagespeed via /scripts/easyapache on command line or through easyapache from WHM web console. Installation instructions
Clone the installation scripts onto your CPanel server:
1) /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git clone https://github.com/pagespeed/cpanel.git /tmp/pagespeed/
**Create Speed.pm.tar.gz**
2)cd /tmp/pagespeed/Easy
3)tar -zcvf Speed.pm.tar.gz pagespeed
4)mkdir -p /var/cpanel/easy/apache/custom_opt_mods/Cpanel/Easy
5)mv Speed.pm Speed.pm.tar.gz -t /var/cpanel/easy/apache/custom_opt_mods/Cpanel/Easy/
6)cd && rm -rf /tmp/pagespeed
Login into your cPanel WHM > EasyApache and look for "mod_pagespeed" option. Alternatively, you can run the easyapache installer from command line (/scripts/easyapache). Rebuild the Apache server, reboot it, and you're good to go!
Configuring mod_pagespeed
The installation script will copy a default pagespeed.conf file into /usr/local/apache/conf/ on your server. Please consult the following pages to customize your configuration:
mod_pagespeed module configuration
configuring mod_pagespeed filters
2) link:- http://www.prajith.in/update-mod_pagespeed/
after installation run bellow command.
Run command " httpd -M " will tell you page speed installed or not.
Now you have installed Mod page speed module on whm.