I am trying to send data to a server from my client .the client sends messages to a server ,every message is 36 bytes
and in this message every 4 byte is a field and in server part i should be able to detect that field from the message that client sends .Suppose i have this data :
In the client i should send this values as a single message .as you can see my message has 9 field and every field is 4 byte integer
and all message is 36 byte
So in server part when the message is received i should be able to separate the message and find the value of the fields .
In client application i am using this structure to send message to my server :
m_clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Cet the remote IP address
IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(GetIP());
int iPortNo = System.Convert.ToInt16("12345");
// Create the end point
IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ip, iPortNo);
// Connect to the remote host
if (m_clientSocket.Connected)
Object objData = ?!!!!;//My message
byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(objData.ToString());
if (m_clientSocket != null)
And in server part i am using this code to receive the data:
public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
SocketPacket socketData = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState;
int iRx = 0;
// Complete the BeginReceive() asynchronous call by EndReceive() method
// which will return the number of characters written to the stream
// by the client
iRx = socketData.m_currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn);
char[] chars = new char[iRx + 1];
System.Text.Decoder d = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
int charLen = d.GetChars(socketData.dataBuffer,
0, iRx, chars, 0);
System.String szData = new System.String(chars);
// Continue the waiting for data on the Socket
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
catch (SocketException se)
Here is the other part of my server code :
public void OnClientConnect(IAsyncResult asyn)
// Here we complete/end the BeginAccept() asynchronous call
// by calling EndAccept() - which returns the reference to
// a new Socket object
m_workerSocket[m_clientCount] = m_mainSocket.EndAccept(asyn);
// Let the worker Socket do the further processing for the
// just connected client
// Now increment the client count
// Display this client connection as a status message on the GUI
String str = String.Format("Client # {0} connected", m_clientCount);
// Since the main Socket is now free, it can go back and wait for
// other clients who are attempting to connect
m_mainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(OnClientConnect), null);
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\n OnClientConnection: Socket has been closed\n");
public class SocketPacket
public System.Net.Sockets.Socket m_currentSocket;
public byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[36];
In my form_load
of server part i have this code:
ipaddress = GetIP();
// Check the port value
string portStr = "12345";
int port = System.Convert.ToInt32(portStr);
// Create the listening socket...
m_mainSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
IPEndPoint ipLocal = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
// Bind to local IP Address...
// Start listening...
// Create the call back for any client connections...
m_mainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(OnClientConnect), null);
in fact i am trying to implement this link :
My problem is how can i send my message as a 36 bytes via client and get and separate that from server ?
Every four bytes is a field and i should be able to get this value .
Seems like all you need is 2 methods to convert integers to byte-array and vice versa:
byte[] packet = CreateMessage(21,32,43,55,75,73,12,14,12);
//send message
//recv message and get ints back
int[] ints = GetParameters(packet);
public byte[] CreateMessage(params int[] parameters)
var buf = new byte[parameters.Length * sizeof(int)];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(parameters[i]), 0, buf, i * sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
return buf;
public int[] GetParameters(byte[] buf)
var ints = new int[buf.Length / sizeof(int)];
for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i++)
ints[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * sizeof(int));
return ints;