As per my understanding, SSL Pinning is to compare the public key or certification of a server with the copies bundled in the client beforehand.
I saw in Stackoverflow that many developers use SSL Pinning by AFNetwork libraries, but most of them use it along with a self-signed certificate.
I have bought a valid certificate from a CA and passed the test to verify it worked fine. I mean, I set the following and it worked
_sharedHttpsInstance.securityPolicy = [AFSecurityPolicy policyWithPinningMode:AFSSLPinningModeNone];
_sharedHttpsInstance.securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = NO;
What I am wondering is that if set the Pinning mode to AFSSLPinningModePulicKey, my application would be more secure in communication with the server in addition to what the valid certificate have provided?
thanks a lot.
I'm don't know the exact implementation of SSL pinning in iOS, but in principle pinning provides definitely more security than the default verification against a set of builtin certificate agencies. By default systems trust more than 100 different CA from all over the world and each of the CA has the ability to issue any certificate it wants, even if another CA has already issued the same or a similar certificate. So if any of these 100+ CAs gets compromised they can issue a certificate for your domain, which would pass the checks in your application unless you use certificate pinning. Such compromises happened in 2011 with DigiNotar (no longer existent because of that) and Comodo (was too big to fail).
Probably the most prominent user of certificate pinning is Google Chrome, where it is used for the google domains and this helped to detect the compromises of DigiNotar and Comodo.
A downside of certificate pinning might be, that the application will stop working inside networks which do SSL interception for security reasons. Google Chrome seems to deal with this situation by accepting the certificate if it is signed by a CA explicitly added by the user (i.e. no builtin) alternatively to the pinning checks.
Another question which might be interesting is if SSL pinning is secure 'ENOUTH' for 'Most' of the application, even if working along with self-signed certification?
Checking against a fixed certificate or public key (e.g. certificate pinning with or without self-signed) is more secure than only checking if the certificate is signed by any of the 100s CAs trusted by the system. And as long as the developer has full control about both sides (e.g. application and server) it also scales well. The only advantage of additionally using the usual infrastructure is the use of the certificate revocation mechanism. But because the developer has control of the application (s)he could just replace the appplication in case the certificate gets compromised. So yes, in most cases it is secure enough do do SSL pinning with a self-signed certificate and it is more secure than using the standard certificate validation without pinning.