I want to make a generic function predict() for 'foo' class in R so that it is invoked when second argument of predict() is of class 'foo':
class(y.foo) <- "foo"
predict(x, y.foo)
Is it possible? How to do it?
Try this. Here our foo
method just outputs "foo"
and in the real code it would be replaced with whatever foo
method you have:
predict <- function(x, foo = NULL, ...) UseMethod("predict", foo)
predict.foo <- function(x, foo, ...) "foo" # replace with your foo method
predict.default <- function(x, foo = NULL, ...) if (is.null(foo))
stats::predict(x, ...) else stats::predict(x, foo, ...)
Now test it out:
y.foo <- 1
class(y.foo) <- "foo"
predict(0, y.foo)
## [1] "foo"
fm <- lm(demand ~ Time, BOD)
## 1 2 3 4 5 6
## 10.24286 11.96429 13.68571 15.40714 17.12857 20.57143
predict(fm, newdata = list(Time = 1:2))
## 1 2
## 10.24286 11.96429
predict(fm, list(Time = 1:2)) # same
## 1 2
## 10.24286 11.96429