Currently, I have this:
public ActionResult Add(FormCollection form, HttpPostedFileBase fr, HttpPostedFileBase en, HttpPostedFileBase es)
Upload(fr, "fr");
Upload(en, "en");
Upload(es, "es");
This works for what we're doing currently, but just learned of a new requirement where the system needs the ability to add other languages. This is the only part where I have an issue.
I tried:
public ActionResult Add(FormCollection form, HttpPostedFileBase[] fr)
foreach(var file in fr)
Upload(file, "I'mStuck");
as a test, but it will only have 1 element and it is the one where id/name = fr. Makes sense, but not particularly helpful for what I need.
I could do:
for (string file in Request.Files)
which would handle the upload component fine, but the issue is that unless I can force them to standardize against a whatever_langabbreviation.extension file format, which I can't, I'm not going to be able to know what the language abbreviation is.
How can I obtain the id/name fields for the input type=file objects within the controller?
I was actually incorrect. The string returned is actually the id or name (think name, but considering I typically pair id/name, it works).
For the controller that renders the view initially, I did:
List<Languages> langs = db.Languages.ToList();
viewmodel.Languages = langs;
return View(viewmodel);
In the view itself:
foreach(Language lang in Model.Languages)
// Label
<input type="file" id="@lang.Abbreviation" name="@lang.Abbreviation" />
And in the post event:
foreach(string file in Request.Files)
HttpPostedFileBase fb = Request.Files[file];
Upload(fb, file);
And it handles as it is supposed to (Upload being a function that just adds a new item to another table.