So basically i have been looking of a way to write my code which has alot of uiview instances(makes everything look so messy ! erk!) more readable and elegant.
So far i have seen the use of subclassing but don't really understand the importance/reason of using the practice !
From what i understand:
You make a class which inherits from the UIView.
From the superclass "class1" you make an instance of class one which inherits from class2 ?
So what i am trying to understand is that why would you have a class which inherits from a class2.m that inherits from another (UIView), instead of inheriting UIView directly from class1 ?
Sorry i sound like such a stubborn person but i simply just don't get it ? I really want to know why...
Can someone please explain using an example of something like a class called userProfile and guestProfile that subclasses Profile ?
An analogy is that say a UIView is like an Animal
, now class1.m is a bird
and class2.m is a duck
. a duck is a bird which is an animal (inheritance)
now if we were to make a new bird
, we dont want to just inherit from animal
otherwise we will need to recode everything bird
defines, which just adds code bloat and wastes time.
but say you want to make a dog, we cant obviously inherit from bird
, because a dog doesnt have any of the features of a bird
, so we would have to inherit from animal instead.
hope that clarifies things a bit