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why do we plug i as log(n-1) in merge sort algorithm

I have a doubt related to the Mathematical proof of merge sort's algorithm. As i see only the proof is Mathematical but the problem is related to Algorithm.

Time complexity of merge sort in worst case, T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n-1

=> T(n) = n-1 + 2T(n/2) // recursive part always at end to keep it simpler

By plug & chug method:

T(n) = n-1 + 2[n/2-1 + 2T(n/4) ]    //plug
     = n-1 + n-2 + 4T(n/4)          //chug
     = n-1 + n-2 + 4[n/4 -1 + 2T(n/8)]    //plug 
     = n-1 + n-2 + n-3 + ....... + n- 2^i-1 + 2^i T(n/2^i) //rounding off

now i have doubt in this step why did he take i as log(n-1)? which gives us an answer:

     =nlogn -n+1


  • As the size of the problem n decreases, half at a time, n becomes the size of base case problem which can be solved in constant time. In this case n=1 is the base case as T(1) is known to be of order O(1).

    In your expansion, the number i is how many times n has been halved.

    Now the question is: when n becomes 1 where the recursion stops, what is the value i at that point?

    That is, how many times n can be divided by 2 until it becomes 1?

    The answer is log_2(n)

    So the 'plug and chug' expansion stops at value i = log_2(n)