I want to initialize a window controller object from a nib file, quite easy right? But I simply can't get it to work.
According to my previous experience in ObjC, I've written down the following code:
init() {
super.init(windowNibName: "SplitWindowController")
And in the app delegate file, I simply init and displays the window:
var myWindowController: MyWindowController = MyWindowController()
But the compiler gives me this error: Must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'NSWindowController'
. And according to the Swift version of NSWindowController
definition, there are only 3 designated initializers, namely init()
, init(window)
, init(coder)
. I don't know what to do next. Shall I build a NSCoder
from a nib file, which I don't know how to do?
has 2 designated initializers:
init(window: NSWindow!)
init(coder: NSCoder!)
When creating a subclass, you should invoke the designated initializer of its superclass. Recent versions of Xcode enforce this. Either via built-in language mechanism (Swift) or via NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER
macro (Objective-C).
Swift additionally requires that you call the superclasses designated initializer when you override a convenience initializer.
From the "Initialization: Designated Initializers and Convenience Initializers" section of Swift Programming Guide:
If the initializer you are overriding is a convenience initializer, your override must call another designated initializer from its own subclass, as per the rules described above in Initializer Chaining.
In your case, you should probably override init(window: NSWindow!)
and call super's counterpart from there.