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Domain name to IPv6 address in Perl

I have the following Perl code to translate domain name to IP address. It works fine in IPv4.

$host = "";
$ip_address = join('.', unpack('C4',(gethostbyname($host))[4]));

However, it does not work if it is an IPv6 only domain name such as "".

How can I get one line of code (prefer CORE library) to get IPv6 IP address?

$host = "";
$ip_address = ???


  • In 5.14 and above, you can use the core Socket:

    use 5.014;
    use warnings;
    use Socket ();
    # protocol and family are optional and restrict the addresses returned
    my ( $err, @addrs ) = Socket::getaddrinfo( $ARGV[0], 0, { 'protocol' => Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, 'family' => Socket::AF_INET6 } );
    die $err if $err;
    for my $addr (@addrs) {
        my ( $err, $host ) = Socket::getnameinfo( $addr->{addr}, Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST );
        if ($err) { warn $err; next }
        say $host;

    For earlier perls, the same functions are available from Socket::GetAddrInfo on CPAN.