I'm translating text/words/terms inside an HTML document using a tree walker to affect only text nodes:
var replaceArry = [
[/View your user account/gi, 'Tu cuenta'],
// etc.
var numTerms = replaceArry.length;
var txtWalker = document.createTreeWalker (
{ acceptNode: function (node) {
//-- Skip whitespace-only nodes
if (node.nodeValue.trim() )
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
var txtNode = null;
while (txtNode = txtWalker.nextNode () ) {
var oldTxt = txtNode.nodeValue;
for (var J = 0; J < numTerms; J++) {
oldTxt = oldTxt.replace (replaceArry[J][0], replaceArry[J][1]);
txtNode.nodeValue = oldTxt;
This works well on static pages (and it doesn't bust hyperlinks or event handlers), but I want it to also:
attributesHow do I do that without resorting to RegEx and really mucking things up?
To handle AJAX content, you can either use MutationObserver
s or polling with a timer. The former can get tricky and complicated, while the timer is simple, robust, and works well for most all practical applications.
To handle attributes like placeholder
, merely use document.querySelectorAll("[placeholder]")
to get the nodes and loop through the resulting NodeList.
While you are at it, you'll probably want to translate title
attributes too.
In short:
.Putting it all together, the cross-browser userscript would look like the following. See the inline comments and
you can test the script against this jsFiddle page.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Replace lots of terms on an AJAX'd page
// @include http://fiddle.jshell.net/Hp6K2/show/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var replaceArry = [
[/text/gi, 'blather'],
[/View your user account/gi, 'Tu cuenta'],
// etc.
var numTerms = replaceArry.length;
//-- 5 times/second; Plenty fast.
var transTimer = setInterval (translateTermsOnPage, 222);
function translateTermsOnPage () {
/*--- Replace text on the page without busting links or javascript
var txtWalker = document.createTreeWalker (
NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, {
acceptNode: function (node) {
//-- Skip whitespace-only nodes
if (node.nodeValue.trim() ) {
if (node.tmWasProcessed)
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
var txtNode = null;
while (txtNode = txtWalker.nextNode () ) {
txtNode.nodeValue = replaceAllTerms (txtNode.nodeValue);
txtNode.tmWasProcessed = true;
//--- Now replace user-visible attributes.
var placeholderNodes = document.querySelectorAll ("[placeholder]");
replaceManyAttributeTexts (placeholderNodes, "placeholder");
var titleNodes = document.querySelectorAll ("[title]");
replaceManyAttributeTexts (titleNodes, "title");
function replaceAllTerms (oldTxt) {
for (var J = 0; J < numTerms; J++) {
oldTxt = oldTxt.replace (replaceArry[J][0], replaceArry[J][1]);
return oldTxt;
function replaceManyAttributeTexts (nodeList, attributeName) {
for (var J = nodeList.length - 1; J >= 0; --J) {
var node = nodeList[J];
var oldText = node.getAttribute (attributeName);
if (oldText) {
oldText = replaceAllTerms (oldText);
node.setAttribute (attributeName, oldText);
throw "attributeName does not match nodeList in replaceManyAttributeTexts";