I am coding in Haxe, Lime, OpenFl. I am trying to set up a Class to store data in a Map, referenced by class instance. The class type is to be passed in the constructor, via inference. But I am quite new to all this and can't quite figure out the syntax, this is what I got so far:
class DynamicStore<A>
private var hashA:Map<Class<A>,String>;
public function new<A>(paramA:Class<A>) {
hashA = new Map();
But this gives me the following error:
Abstract Map has no @:to function that accepts IMap<Class<DynamicStore.A>, String>
Is there a way to do this?
A question first:
do you really want to use classes as key? or objects?
In classes should be the key
It would be much simpler to use the classe's full name as key, like "mypackage.blob.MyClass". It's safer, easier to handle and debug.
Map<String, String>
Would suffice in that case.
If objects should be keys
Then the code would look like:
import haxe.ds.ObjectMap;
class Test<A>
static function main() {}
private var hashA :ObjectMap<A,String>;
public function new(paramA:A) {
hashA = new ObjectMap<A,String>();
The reason "Map" cannot be directly used in this case is that "Map" is a syntactic sugar, being resolved to StringMap, IntMap or others depending on the key type. If it doesn't know what kind of map to be used, it cannot proceed (this is mainly due to cross-compiling issues).
As a final note, I would mention your construction seems a bit wacky/strange to me. It would be interesting to know what you are trying to achieve and why you structure it the way you do.