In my web api controller i have two functions with following structure
public HttpResponseMessage Post(CountryDto country)
var countries = _countryAppService.RegisterNewCountry(country);
var message = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, countries);
return message;
public HttpResponseMessage Post(int countryId, StateDto state)
var country = _countryAppService.AddNewState(state, countryId);
var message = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, country);
return message;
I need to call the second overloaded version of post , i tried this using fiddler with following http request details
POST http://localhost:51830/api/Country/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: localhost:51830
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 63
but its calling the first overloaded post instead of second post, what i am missing and how i can call the second post using fiddler
There's no support for overloading in WebAPI (nor in MVC).
However you can use attribute-based routing to achieve what you want, i.e.:
public HttpResponseMessage AddCountry(CountryDto country)
public HttpResponseMessage AddCountry(int countryId, StateDto state)
You need to make sure you call config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes();
before the rest of the routing in configuration(i.e.: config.Routes.MapHttpRoute...