is it possible to name the columns of one table same as the records of another table's column while creating the first table?
table1: test1
id package1 package2 package3--->column names same as the records of another table
table 2: test2
name --->column
package1 --->record1 under name column
package2 --->record2 under name column
package3 --->record3 under name column
I would do it this way via dynamic SQL:
-- Contains table definitions
create table table_def
name varchar2(100) not null,
col1 varchar2(100) not null,
col2 varchar2(100) not null,
col3 varchar2(100) not null,
col4 varchar2(100) not null
-- PK to be sure all table names are different
alter table table_def add constraint table_defs_pk primary key (name);
insert into table_def values('test1', 'id', 'package1', 'package2', 'package3');
insert into table_def values('test2', 'name', 'package1', 'package2', 'package3');
-- Loop on table definitions to create tables
myQuery varchar2(1000);
for line in
select * from table_def
myQuery := 'create table ' || || ' ('
|| line.col1 || ' varchar2(100), '
|| line.col2 || ' varchar2(100), '
|| line.col3 || ' varchar2(100), '
|| line.col4 || ' varchar2(100))';
execute immediate myQuery;
end loop;