I am creating an application which uses camera/gallery. I am taking a photo using camera and once I took the picture, the device will automatically display a preview screen in iOS, allows me to move and scale my image as required. In android, I manually created a preview window.
But I want to crop the image with a resolution 610x320 pixels.
Here is the code for taking image
success:function(event) {
if(event.mediaType == Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO) {
var image = event.media;
var ImageFactory = require('ti.imagefactory');
var newBlob = ImageFactory.imageAsCropped(image, {width:610, height:320 });
imgvwCapturedImage.image = newBlob; //imgvwCapturedImage is an image view
cancel:function() {},
error:function(error) {
alert("Sorry, Unable to to process now.Please retry later.");
I was able to crop the image using the imageFactory module only after selecting the photo from the preview screen. Is there any chance to do the same at the preview screen itself so that the user can identify which area is getting cropped?
Any help will be appreciated.
I have created my own preview screen for iOS and cropped the image by the help of a scrollView and image factory module. Now it's working perfect. You may find a sample code here. However this will not be working for Android devices.