Good morning all,
I have a file called test.txt
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:27:33 AM;SUCCESS;998ms;;52750;Issue
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:28:25 AM;SUCCESS;580ms;;52750;Issue;
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:28:25 AM;SUCCESS;500ms;;52750;Issue;
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:28:25 AM;SUCCESS;58ms;;52750;Issue;
Now I wanted to extract all the line which have more than 100ms(milli seconds).
I achieved till getting 3rd field form following command,
cut -d ';' -f 3 test.txt
Now I want to pipe this results to some shell command so that i can compare the results. where the time is > 100ms
Finally my output should be,
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:27:33 AM;SUCCESS;998ms;;52750;Issue
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:28:25 AM;SUCCESS;580ms;;52750;Issue;
audit.log.20140612:6/11/14 6:28:25 AM;SUCCESS;500ms;;52750;Issue;
With awk
awk -F';' '$3+0 > 100' yourfile
With bash
while read line; do
fields=(${line//;/ });
if [ ${t%ms} -gt 100 ];
echo "$line";
done< yourfile