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How can I use a Swift enum as a Dictionary key? (Conforming to Equatable)

I've defined an enum to represent a selection of a "station"; stations are defined by a unique positive integer, so I've created the following enum to allow negative values to represent special selections:

enum StationSelector : Printable {
    case Nearest
    case LastShown
    case List
    case Specific(Int)

    func toInt() -> Int {
        switch self {
        case .Nearest:
            return -1
        case .LastShown:
            return -2
        case .List:
            return -3
        case .Specific(let stationNum):
            return stationNum

    static func fromInt(value:Int) -> StationSelector? {
        if value > 0 {
            return StationSelector.Specific(value)
        switch value {
        case -1:
            return StationSelector.Nearest
        case -2:
            return StationSelector.LastShown
        case -3:
            return StationSelector.List
            return nil

    var description: String {
    get {
        switch self {
        case .Nearest:
            return "Nearest Station"
        case .LastShown:
            return "Last Displayed Station"
        case .List:
            return "Station List"
        case .Specific(let stationNumber):
            return "Station #\(stationNumber)"

I'd like to use these values as keys in a dictionary. Declaring a Dictionary yields the expected error that StationSelector doesn't conform to Hashable. Conforming to Hashable is easy with a simple hash function:

var hashValue: Int {
get {
    return self.toInt()

However, Hashable requires conformance to Equatable, and I can't seem to define the equals operator on my enum to satisfy the compiler.

func == (lhs: StationSelector, rhs: StationSelector) -> Bool {
    return lhs.toInt() == rhs.toInt()

The compiler complains that this is two declarations on a single line and wants to put a ; after func, which doesn't make sense, either.

Any thoughts?


  • Info on Enumerations as dictionary keys:

    From the Swift book:

    Enumeration member values without associated values (as described in Enumerations) are also hashable by default.

    However, your Enumeration does have a member value with an associated value, so Hashable conformance has to be added manually by you.


    The problem with your implementation, is that operator declarations in Swift must be at a global scope.

    Just move:

    func == (lhs: StationSelector, rhs: StationSelector) -> Bool {
        return lhs.toInt() == rhs.toInt()

    outside the enum definition and it will work.

    Check the docs for more on that.