I've read several answers on here regarding this question and am still unable to solve it.
Basically, I want to print the nodeValue of a child node.
Here is the xml:
I am trying to get the nodeValue of "total".
Here is what I wrote:
totalIssues = dom.getElementsByTagName('issues')[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[2]
I have experimented by so far the only results I got where either None
or blank space.
Also, how can I get a childNode simply by name? Since many times, there will be another element present which will shift the position of "total" element.
Get it in several steps and be explicit about tag names:
issue = dom.getElementsByTagName('issues')[0]
paging = issue.getElementsByTagName('paging')[0]
total = paging.getElementsByTagName('total')[0]
print total.firstChild.nodeValue # prints 10000
Just FYI, you see it is not fun to use minidom
for xml parsing? Ok, here is an alternative using xml.etree.ElementTree
from the standard library:
issues = ET.fromstring(data)
total = issues.find('./paging/total')
print total.text # prints 10000
where data
is your XML string.
Hope that helps.