I would like to be able to send a message to a group chat in Telegram. I want to run a python script (which makes some operations that already works) and then, if some parameters have some values the script should send a message to a group chat through Telegram. I am using Ubuntu, and Python 2.7
I think, if I am not wrong, that I have two ways to do that:
Way One: make the Python script connect to the Telegram APIs directly and send the message (https://core.telegram.org/api).
Way Two: make the Python script call the Telegram's CLI (https://github.com/vysheng/tg), pass some values to this and then the message is sent by the Telegram's CLI.
I think that the first way is longer, so a good idea might be using the Way Two.
In this case I really don't know how to proceed. I don't know lots about scripts in linux, but I tried to do this:
cd /home/username/tg
echo "msg user#******** messagehere" | ./telegram
sleep 10
echo "quit" | ./telegram
this works at a half: it sends the message correctly, but then the process remains open. And second problem, I have no clue on how to call that from python and how to pass some value to this script. The value that I would like to pass to the script is the "messagehere" var: this would be a 100/200 characters message, defined from inside the python script.
Does anyone has any clues on that? Thanks for replies, I hope this might be useful for someone else.
First create a bash script for telegram called tg.sh:
cd ${tgpath}
${tgpath}/telegram -k ${tgpath}/tg-server.pub -W <<EOF
msg $to $subject
echo "$now Recipient=$to Message=$subject" >> ${LOGFILE}
echo "Finished" >> ${LOGFILE}
Then put the script in the same folder than your python script, and give it +x permission with chmod +x tg.sh
And finally from python, you can do:
import subprocess
subprocess.call(["./tg.sh", "user#****", "message here"])