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Converting cell to structure in matlab

I am trying to convert a cell into a structure:

A = {'p1', 10, 'ny'; 'p2', 12, 'nj'};

I would like a structure with 3 fields where

A.person = {'p1';'p2'}
A.age = [10;12]
A.state = {'ny', 'nj'}

I tried cell2struct but was getting in format I did not want. I know I am missing something simple. Any thoughts?


  • What's wrong with cell2struct? Let

    >> fields = {'person','age','state'}; %// field names

    You could use either of the following three versions:

    >> S = cell2struct(A, fields, 2); %// fold 2nd dim into fields
    S = 
    2x1 struct array with fields:

    (gives a 2x1 struct array).

    >> S = cell2struct(mat2cell(A.', ones(1,size(A,2))), fields, 1)
    S = 
        person: {'p1'  'p2'}
           age: {[10]  [12]}
         state: {'ny'  'nj'}

    (gives a 1x1 struct array, with a row cell array in each field).

    >> S = cell2struct(mat2cell(A, size(A,1), ones(1,size(A,2))), fields, 2)
    S = 
        person: {2x1 cell}
           age: {2x1 cell}
         state: {2x1 cell}
    >> S.person
    ans = 

    (gives a 1x1 struct array, with a column cell array in each field)