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How to adapt acoustic model for UK/Indian accent

I am working on speech recognition for Indian Accent. For better recognition, I want to create language model for Indian accent.

The tutorial I got describes about Linux OS. Is there any way to do in Windows for acoustic model adaptation ?? Is there any alternative other than recorded sound to create a acoustic model ??

I found online language model tool here >> But it is US accent.

Is there any online tool to create Indian/UK accent language model ??


  • First a quick clarification. Creating a new language model will not help you with accents. The language model only specifies in which orders the words can appear. You are looking for acoustic, not language, model adaptation.

    Because adaptation is a complex process, there are not good online tools for it (the one you linked is a language model tool). I would recommend downloading SphinxTrain at for a good all-purpose adaptation/training tool. There are many tutorials and forums to help you get started.