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Flex: BlazeDs deserialization

I'm working on a webapp built using Spring + Flex. Communication between front and back uses BlazeDS and I have a custom marshaller in order to serialize data from flex to backend as:

<channel-definition id="my-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
        <endpoint url="http://localhost:8080/${context.root.cpanel}/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>

Is there a way to configure how use a custom de-serializer from back to flex ? I need an interceptor to modify some fields of data sent from back to flex so I think this approach could work.


  • I've used an interceptor for Flex using:

    <flex:message-interceptor ref="myMessageInterceptor"/>

    And on my application.xml I've defined myMessageInterceptor as:

    <bean id="myMessageInterceptor" class=""/>

    And this is de content of the interceptor:

    public class FlexInterceptor implements ResourceHandlingMessageInterceptor
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FlexInterceptor.class);
    public void afterCompletion(MessageProcessingContext context, Message inputMessage, Message outputMessage, Exception ex)
    public Message postProcess(MessageProcessingContext context, Message inputMessage, Message outputMessage)
        return outputMessage;
    public Message preProcess(MessageProcessingContext context, Message inputMessage) {
        return inputMessage;
