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Conditional replacement of string fragment with sed (one-liner!)

I am trying to process the result of diff operation with sed. This is my diff output, which I pipe into sed

< 12-03-22_JET_D_CL_UR_l4053_0061 True_Warning All 9 149261 
> 13-01-29_VUE_EPM3_v37_CSAV2_0370 True_Warning All 13 22125 
< 13-05-14_Regular_Front_0062 True_Warning All 13 123383 
> 13-05-14_Regular_Front_0062 True_Warning All 21 123383 
< CADS4_PMP363_20130202_DPH_069 True_Warning All 13 233405 
> CADS4_PMP363_20130202_DPH_069 True_Warning All 9 233409 
< CADS4_PMP363_20130315_Fujifilm_UK_186 True_Warning All 21 18611 
> CADS4_PMP363_20130315_Fujifilm_UK_186 True_Warning All 17 18615 

I need to sort out the difference string and prepend the 3rd word in the strings with either "Old" or "New" - depending on the first character. My best effort so far is

diff new_jumps/true.jump old_jumps/true.jump | sed -n "/^[<>]/ s:\(.\) \(\S\+\) \(.\+\):\2 \1,\3: p" | replace ">" Old | replace "<" New

Which give me this result (exactly what I wanted).

12-03-22_JET_D_CL_UR_l4053_0061 New,True_Warning All 9 149261 
13-01-29_VUE_EPM3_v37_CSAV2_0370 Old,True_Warning All 13 22125 
13-05-14_Regular_Front_0062 New,True_Warning All 13 123383 
13-05-14_Regular_Front_0062 Old,True_Warning All 21 123383 
CADS4_PMP363_20130202_DPH_069 New,True_Warning All 13 233405 
CADS4_PMP363_20130202_DPH_069 Old,True_Warning All 9 233409 
CADS4_PMP363_20130315_Fujifilm_UK_186 New,True_Warning All 21 18611 
CADS4_PMP363_20130315_Fujifilm_UK_186 Old,True_Warning All 17 18615 

My question is - how can I change conditional expression within sed one-liner that will eliminate the need to use replace afterwards? (I assume that it is possible) Thanks in advance


I know, I missed the option to chain sed expressions, but what I had in mind - is it possible to do it within one substitute operation?


  • With awk I get a faster response. Try this:

    diff new_jumps/true.jump old_jumps/true.jump | awk '{ if($1=="<" || $1==">"){($1=="<")?temp="New,":temp="Old,";print $2,temp$3,$4,$5}}'

    Here's another solution suggested by Jidder:

    awk '/^</{i="old,"}/^>/{i="new,"}i{$2=$2" "i;print;i=0}'