var result=(from refridgerators in context.A
group refridgerators by new { refridgerators.Id, refridgerators.Name } into gr
select new DAO<String>
Key = gr.Key.Name,
Count = gr.Count()
}).OrderByDescending(k => k.Count).Take(numberOfRecords).ToList();
This is my linq to sql query this is working perfectly fine.
this shows top 5 records (sorted by their count) if i pass numberOfRecords =5.
now my problem is i don`t want to modify query. so what should i do in above query to show all records. This is in relation with my requirement i want to use same query to show all refridgerators and Top 5 , top 10 refridgerators.
I am not sure if it is possible using LINQ. but i guess there must be something related to this.
As the right solution has already been posted by Tim, still I want your attention to the simpler solution, if suits to your requirement. Add one more if condition at the top of this query.
numberOfRecords = 2000000;
Leave your query as it is.