Search code examples

Reload dynatable data

I'm using dynatable to power up my tables. It's how I'm using it:

function getData(obj) {
    $.getJSON("AjaxEngine/AddPayment.aspx", { sender: "seller-factor", id: 1 })
            .done(function (data) {

                var dynatable = $('#factors-table').dynatable({
                    dataset: {
                        records: data.Factors
                    features: {
                        paginate: false,
                        search: false,
                        recordCount: true,
                        perPageSelect: false

                .bind('dynatable:afterProcess', bindSelectRow);

getData() will be fired on change() event of a select. When user select an Item for the first time it works fine, but when selected item changes it won't load new data. I asked in plugin's couple of days ago but got no answer.

I've tried multiple methods, like this one:

function getData(){        
            $.getJSON("AjaxEngine/AddPayment.aspx", { sender: "seller-factor", id: 1 },
            function (data) {                
                var dynatable = $('#factors-table').data('dynatable');                
                dynatable.records.updateFromJson({records: data});


It says dynatable.records is undefined while when I log dynatable it's an object. I think as a trick it would be possible to check if dynatable is applied to the table and if it is, destroy it first then re-apply it, But I don't know how to do it.



  • Well, after couple of hours I managed it with this code:

    $.getJSON("AjaxEngine/AddPayment.aspx", { 
        sender: "seller-factor", id: obj.val() }, 
        function (data) {
        var dynatable = $('#factors-table').dynatable({ 
        dataset: { records: data.Factors } }, 
        { features: { pushState: false }}).data("dynatable");
                            dynatable.settings.dataset.originalRecords =  data.Factors;