I just got my ssl certificate to work for the first time. For some reason when I connect to my website using https my browser tries to download the php file.
I have the following line in my httpd.conf. Isn't this the line which makes sure php files are run using php?
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
What else do I need to change so that I can get the php files to work over the https connection.
The problem was somehow with Plesk. This dedicated server came with plesk pre-installed. I never used it so far but it turns out it was overriding my ssl.conf somehow.
So the solution was creating my domain under plesk. Moving all files to the new directory created by plesk. Embedding my ssl certificate to plesk and associating the certificate with the domain.
Now it is working like a charm. I cannot say I'm happy that I have to start learning Plesk but at least it is working.