I have done only some minor XML parsing/reading before, but never within MVC. I only want to grab a small snippet but I am not sure what to use to display this RSS feed.
For example, if the XML looks like this
<title>Most Recent News</title>
<title>Match History Beta Now Live</title>
<description>lots of long text</description>
<pubDate>Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:02:56 +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">17129 at http://na.leagueoflegends.com</guid>
<title>Riot with us at live events!</title>
<description>Lots of lon</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 30 Jun 2014 18:27:13 +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">18266 at http://na.leagueoflegends.com</guid>
....dozens more....
I would like something such as the following in ViewBag
<a href="http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/announcing-new-match- history-beta?ref=rss">
Match History Beta Now Live</a>
Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:02:56 +0000
<a href="http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/community/community-events/riot-us-live-events? ref=rss">
Riot with us at live events!</a>
Mon, 30 Jun 2014 18:27:13 +0000
I have been messing around with random stuff like XDocument
and I can store the first item, but nothing else.
XDocument xmlFile = XDocument.Load(@"http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/rss.xml");
foreach (XElement element in xmlFile.Descendants("title"))
String words = element.ToString();
ViewBag.Ltitle = Regex.Replace(words, "<.*?>", string.Empty);
foreach (XElement element in xmlFile.Descendants("link"))
String words = element.ToString();
ViewBag.Llink = Regex.Replace(words, "<.*?>", string.Empty);
foreach (XElement element in xmlFile.Descendants("description"))
String words = element.ToString();
ViewBag.Ldescription = Regex.Replace(words, "<.*?>", string.Empty);
foreach (XElement element in xmlFile.Descendants("pubDate"))
String words = element.ToString();
ViewBag.LDate = Regex.Replace(words, "<.*?>", string.Empty);
which get's the data and parses it, but I am not sure how to keep multiple items. I would only like to put up ViewBag data for three most recently posted news articles and then call them where need be.
Example of want I want to do
@ViewBag.Ltitle_1<br />
<a href="@ViewBag.Llink_1">@ViewBag.Ldescription_1</a><br />
@ViewBag.Ltitle_2<br />
<a href="@ViewBag.Llink_2">@ViewBag.Ldescription_2</a><br />
@ViewBag.Ltitle_3<br />
<a href="@ViewBag.Llink_3">@ViewBag.Ldescription_3</a><br />
For references the link of this current RSS is: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/rss.xml
Thank you!
Figured out a solution in case anyone else needs help.
XDocument xmlFile = XDocument.Load(@"http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/rss.xml");
var LoLtitles = from service in xmlFile.Descendants("item")
select (string)service.Element("title");
var LoLlinks = from service in xmlFile.Descendants("item")
select (string)service.Element("link");
var LoLdescriptions = from service in xmlFile.Descendants("item")
select (string)service.Element("description");
var LoLDates = from service in xmlFile.Descendants("item")
select (string)service.Element("pubDate");
ViewBag.titles = LoLtitles.ToArray();
ViewBag.links = LoLlinks.ToArray();
ViewBag.descriptions = LoLdescriptions.ToArray();
ViewBag.dates = LoLDates.ToArray();
@ViewBag.titles[0]<br />
<a href="@ViewBag.links[0]">@ViewBag.descriptions[0]</a><br />
@ViewBag.dates[0]<br />
@ViewBag.titles[1]<br />
<a href="@ViewBag.links[1]">@ViewBag.descriptions[1]</a><br />
@ViewBag.dates[1]<br />
@ViewBag.titles[2]<br />
<a href="@ViewBag.links[2]">@ViewBag.descriptions[2]</a><br />
@ViewBag.dates[2]<br />