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Android - How to use custom font file containing multiple fonts

I am not very experienced with fonts, so this issue might be due to my ignorance.

I have a font file, Futura.tcc. In code I have the following:

Typeface face=Typeface.createFromAsset(am, "fonts/Futura.ttc");

This works for the basic Futura font. But, the file my client sent contains multiple font sub-types (if that is the proper term). I know setTypeFace() accepts a second parameter of type int that is the style. But, passing in various values does nothing.

If this file contains a font called 'Futura Light', how would I tell it to use that font, rather than just the regular Futura font?



  • You need to find the ttc/ttf for "Futura Light" and drop it in the assets folder. Usually each "sub font" have their own separate file.

    Then you just do:

    Typeface face = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "futura_light.ttf");


    I actually had it on my computer so I uploaded it for you: Download Here