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Hiding instance variables in the EyeInspector or EyeExplorer

Sometimes I am inspecting or exploring my dowmain objects which contains many instance variables. I want to exclude all of them excepting the current specific ones of the instance I am exploring.

Say I am inspecting MyObject with instance variables: text, size, status.

  • dependents
  • owner
  • window
  • announcer
  • ...(lots of i.v.)
  • text
  • size
  • status

I want to view:

  • text
  • size
  • status

I have seen you can define the method inspectorClass, but is EyeInspector or EyeExplorer designed to configure this type of view? Should I subclass SelfEyeElement class?


  • I just tried and came up with this:

    Imagine this is your class:

    Object subclass: #MyClass
        instanceVariableNames: 'firstVariable secondVariable thirdVariable'
        classVariableNames: ''
        category: 'MyCategory'

    Then make the following inspector class:

    EyeInspector subclass: #MyClassInspector
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        category: 'MyCategory'

    Add the following class method to MyClass:

        ^ MyClassInspector

    And overwrite #addInstanceVariable: in MyClassInspector:

    addInstancesVariable: elements
        elements add: (InstanceVariableEyeElement host: self object instVarName: #firstVariable).
        elements add: (InstanceVariableEyeElement host: self object instVarName: #secondVariable)

    Inspect an instance of MyClass and it shows only firstVariable and secondVariable but not thirdVariable:


    Very nice question!

    Update: If you want an inspector that shows generally only instance variables specified in the class of an inspected object and not in superclasses of an inspected object you can use this #addInstanceVariable: in your inspector class:

    addInstancesVariable: elements
        self object class instVarNames do: [:name |
            elements add: (InstanceVariableEyeElement host: self object instVarName: name) ]