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riak: poll a bucket for all items in a bucket by secondary index

Trying to do this via the documentation at their site, but it appears to be outdated.

Have a bucket with a secondary index, and want to curl it to get the JSON associated with all objects that have a certain value for a secondary index.

Looks like the old way to do this was

curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/{bucket}/index/{index}/{value}

but that this is now deprecated.

Attempted to do

curl http://localhost:8098/riak/{bucket}?keys=true&{index}={value}

but that's not working. Any ideas what the correct syntax is here?


  • You have the deprecation backward, the /riak/{bucket} method is deprecated, /buckets/{bucket} is the current URL scheme.

    Note that your query curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/{bucket}/index/{index}/{value} would return a list of keys but not their values.

    A couple examples:

    first generate some data:

    # for i in {1..1000}; do 
       curl$i -XPUT \
            -H 'content-type: text/plain' \
            -H 'x-riak-index-random_int:'$num \
            -d "{\"value\":$num}"; 

    find keys whose random number is 10000-10500:

    # curl

    Get the value that was indexed for each item:

    # curl\?return_terms=true

    But to get the actual JSON back, we need to get the value from the KV store:

    # curl

    This can be done via MapReduce if the query is not run too often and the nodes can handle the load:

    # curl -XPOST -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{"inputs":{"bucket":"index_test","index":"random_int","start":10000,"end":10500},'\
    '"source":"function(Obj){return [Obj.values[0].data]}"}}]}'
    # curl -XPOST -H 'content-type: application/json'\
           -d '{"inputs":{"bucket":"index_test","index":"random_int","start":10000,"end":10500},'\
    '"source":"function(Obj){return [{\"key\":Obj.key,\"data\":Obj.values[0].data}]}"}}]}'