I am trying to have this kind of Model:
public class Activity
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
public virtual int? ParentID { get; set; }
public virtual int? RootID { get; set; }
public virtual Activity Parent { get; set; }
public virtual Activity Root { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Activity> Children { get; set; }
If you are looking at it from a structure point of view, it is a tree. The root element does not have a parent or a root, but may have children. Any of its children must have a parent and a root (for the first level children root = parent)
The mapper is like this:
public class ActivityMap : ClassMapping<Activity>
public ActivityMap()
Id(x => x.ID, map => map.Generator(Generators.Identity));
ManyToOne(x => x.Root, map => { map.Column("RootID"); map.Cascade(Cascade.All); });
Bag(x => x.Children,
mapping =>
mapping.Key(k => k.Column("ParentID"));
mapping => mapping.ManyToMany(map=>map.Class(typeof(Activity)))
The problem is when I try to fetch the children, the sql statement looks like:
SELECT children0_.ParentID as ParentID1_,
children0_.elt as elt1_,
activity1_.ID as ID55_0_,
activity1_.TaskID as TaskID55_0_,
activity1_.ActivityTypeID as Activity3_55_0_,
activity1_.StateID as StateID55_0_,
activity1_.Continueforward as Continue5_55_0_,
activity1_.Ordernumber as Ordernum6_55_0_,
activity1_.IsDeleted as IsDeleted55_0_,
activity1_.Created as Created55_0_,
activity1_.Modified as Modified55_0_,
activity1_.StartTime as StartTime55_0_,
activity1_.EndTime as EndTime55_0_,
activity1_.Progress as Progress55_0_,
activity1_.RootID as RootID55_0_
FROM Children children0_ left outer join activity activity1_ on children0_.elt=activity1_.ID WHERE children0_.ParentID=?
Anyone has an idea how to make this mapping?
Later Edit: found in answer to the second question: NHibernate elt field
In my later edit I have the answer to my second question.
And for the second question, the solution that I found is to give up to the relation with the Root entity
ManyToOne(x => x.Root, map => { map.Column("RootID"); map.Cascade(Cascade.All); });
and replace it with
Property(x => x.RootID);
because I have no need to have the entire entity for the Root. Also I have changed the bag for Children like this:
Bag(x => x.Children,
mapping =>
mapping.Key(k => k.Column("ParentID"));
mapping => mapping.OneToMany()