I am using Sunspot for Rails, and I would like to remove the filter query from the Sunspot-generated Solr parameter (seen as fq: ["type:Job"]
SOLR Request [ path=select parameters={fq: ["type:Job"], q: "programmer", fl: "* score", qf: "Title", defType: "edismax", start: 0, rows: 30} ]
SOLR Request [ path=select parameters={q: "programmer", fl: "* score", qf: "Title", defType: "edismax", start: 0, rows: 30} ]
My model:
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable do
text :Title, :as => :Title
I've read the "manually adjusting Solr parameters" from the docs, but couldn't find any reference to actually removing the fq
parameter. Thanks!
Can't you just use
Job.search do
adjust_solr_params do |params|
params.except! :fq
Or something similiar in order to remove the :fq key from the params hash