I've stumbled upon the quick sort algorithm in "Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures", by Brad Miller and David Ranum (http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/SortSearch/sorting.html#the-quick-sort).
The quick sort algorithm that is presented there, takes the first value in a list to be a pivot value. Exercise is to modify a program to choose pivot value as median of three. Here's the original script:
def quickSort(alist):
def quickSortHelper(alist,first,last):
if first<last:
splitpoint = partition(alist,first,last)
def partition(alist,first,last):
pivotvalue = alist[first]
leftmark = first+1
rightmark = last
done = False
while not done:
while leftmark <= rightmark and \
alist[leftmark] <= pivotvalue:
leftmark = leftmark + 1
while alist[rightmark] >= pivotvalue and \
rightmark >= leftmark:
rightmark = rightmark -1
if rightmark < leftmark:
done = True
temp = alist[leftmark]
alist[leftmark] = alist[rightmark]
alist[rightmark] = temp
temp = alist[first]
alist[first] = alist[rightmark]
alist[rightmark] = temp
return rightmark
And I modified it a bit, first added median()
def median(data):
sd = sorted(data)
N = len(data) - 1
a = sd[N // 2]
b = sd[(N + 1) // 2]
return (a+b) // 2
Then, in partition()
function, modified pivotvalue
to be:
pivotvalue = median([alist[0]] + [alist[len(alist)-1]] + [alist[len(alist)//2]])
And changed leftmark
to start with index 0
, not 1
leftmark = first
Instead of:
leftmark = first+1
And then changed steps to be executed when finally done == True
, as to correctly exchange rightmark
and pivot
temp = pivotvalue
alist[alist.index(pivotvalue)] = alist[rightmark]
alist[rightmark] = temp
But when invoked with:
alist = [77,26,93,17,54,31,44,55,20]
I'm getting the:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 52, in <module>
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 9, in quickSort
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 17, in quickSortHelper
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 17, in quickSortHelper
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 17, in quickSortHelper
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 17, in quickSortHelper
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 17, in quickSortHelper
File "/home/reloader/Templates/Exercises/quick_sort.py", line 17, in quickSortHelper
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
As I find this algorithm to be a bit complicated (and with a bit too much steps to execute), I really don't know what to change in order for this to work, and what I did broke with my modifications. I just set the pivot value to be value from the middle of the list. Should something else, which I cannot see at the moment, be modified as well?
If I leave leftmark
's initial value to be firstmark + 1
(that is, index 1 of the list), I'm not getting the infinite recursion error, but the list is not properly sorted as well:
[55, 26, 31, 44, 17, 77, 54, 20, 93]
You must pick the median from the subarray that's being partitioned:
Replace this:
pivotvalue = alist[first]
pivotindex = median(alist, first, last, (first + last) // 2)
alist[first], alist[pivotindex] = alist[pivotindex], alist[first]
pivotvalue = alist[first]
and the median finder doesn't have to be so convoluted.
def median(a, i, j, k):
if a[i] < a[j]:
return i if a[k] < a[i] else k if a[k] < a[j] else j
return j if a[k] < a[j] else k if a[k] < a[i] else i