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SpecFlow skips Scenarios if the one before it fails Assertion

I have a bunch of scenarios written in my feature file that have Assertions in them. If the First scenario fails an assertion, Specflow skips all the scenarios that follow after it. I would like for all my scenarios to continue to run even if one them fails just like in NUnit. I am using SpecRun as the test provider, I could not find anything on the SpecFlow website that would help me. Could it be that I am missing something in my App.config file?

The following is my App.config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="specFlow" type="TechTalk.SpecFlow.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionHandler, TechTalk.SpecFlow" />
    <!-- For additional details on SpecFlow configuration options see -->
    <unitTestProvider name="SpecRun" />
    <!-- setting flag to continue on first assert error -->
    <runtime stopAtFirstError="false" />
      <add name="SpecRun" />


  • SpecRun actually stops execution after a number of failing tests. This limit can be specified in the .srprofile (EX: Default.srprofile) with the following line.

      <Execution retryFor="None" stopAfterFailures="0" testThreadCount="1" testSchedulingMode="Sequential" />

    retryFor = "None" will tell SpecRun not to retry a test if it fails an assertion.

    stopAfterFailures = "0" will tell SpecRun not to stop after any failures and continue.