I have a resource that looks like this:
resources :teams do
get 'tags/:tag', to: "teams#show", as: :tag
Each Team
can have multiple Posts
which in it's turn can have multiple Tags
. In my teams show view I want to display a select_tag
that lists all the tags for the Team
's Posts
. When the user selects a tag I want to redirect them and list all posts for that tag. I have go it to work, but not with my nested resource and the URLs
that I want. My implementation currently looks like this (I use HAML
/ View
= form_tag team_path(@team), method: 'get', class: 'tag_form' do
= select_tag "tag", options_from_collection_for_select(@team_tags, 'id', 'name', params[:tag]), prompt: "All tags", class: 'chosen-select'
# Controller
def show
@team_tags = @team.posts.tag_counts_on(:tags)
if params[:tag] && !params[:tag].blank?
tag = Tag.find(params[:tag])
@posts = @team.posts.tagged_with(tag.name)
@posts = @team.posts
This works, but gives me an url that looks like this:
What I want is:
Is that possible to do, and how would that look?
Based on this answer, you might be able to get this to work:
= select_tag "tag",
{prompt: "All tags",
class: 'chosen-select'},
{onchange: "window.location.replace('/teams/' + @team.id + '/tags/' + this.value);"}
the only thing i'm not sure about is if @team.id
will interpolated correctly inside :onchange
, so you could also try changing the onchange
line to this:
onchange: "window.location.replace('/teams/#{@team.id}/tags/' + this.value);"