Our clients want so their Customers have colons ":" in the company name (e.g. Rob:Barnett:Company'). Syncing such customer to QBO v3 cause the error
com.intuit.ipp.exception.FMSException: ERROR CODE:2040, ERROR MESSAGE:Invalid String. The String may contain unsupported or illegal chars, ERROR DETAIL:Element contains invalid characters. Rob:Barnett:Company
That is probably because QBO v3 entities are being split with colons when the hierarchy is used (Parent:Customer:Job). So, is there a way for our guys to have colons in the company name, or this is impossible?
BTW, QBO web-face say that a field is invalid when trying to do so.
QuickBooks uses colons as a special character to delineate parent/child heirarchies.
Thus, you can not have colons in customer names.