Using SSIS I need to retrieve data from a server outside my network/domain. I can only get to this server through a VPN. I created 2 packages:
When I run package 2 directly with the VPN already started this package runs great. When I run package 2 from package 1 without the task that starts the VPN but with the VPN manually started this package runs great.
However, if I call this package from package 1 it fails with the error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "MyConnection" failed with error code 0xC0202009. It does not matter if the VPN was already started or not.
How can I runn package 2 with the VPN only running during execution of the package?
I solved it! I needed to add a wait between package1 (starting the VPN) and package2 (doing the import) After setting up the VPN, package1 was made to wait 5 secs before continuing. Now everything works swell :)
SO: Package 1 containg a VB scriptask for starting up the (existing) VPN:
Dim VPNConnectionName As String = "MyVPN"
Dim VPNlogin As String = "MyUser"
Dim VPNPassword As String = "MyPass"
Shell("RASDIAL " & Chr(34) & VPNConnectionName & Chr(34) & " " & VPNlogin & " " & VPNPassword, vbNormalFocus)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
Then from package1 call package 2 for the actual import
And a VB scripttask for closing the VPN:
Dim VPNConnectionName As String = "MyConnection"
Shell("RASDIAL " & Chr(34) & VPNConnectionName & Chr(34) & " /DISCONNECT", vbNormalFocus)
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success