I'm new to TitaniumMobile and I currently following official tutorials but I struck at doing this stage
function showBook(event) {
var selectedBook = event.source;var args = {
title: selectedBook.title,
author: selectedBook.author
var bookview = Alloy.createController("bookdetails", args).getView();
When I tried to run with ios simulator, I kind of stuck with the above stage and the following error occurs.
Script Error {
[ERROR] : backtrace = "#0 () at :0";
[ERROR] : line = 27;
[ERROR] : message = "'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'bookview.open()')";
[ERROR] : name = TypeError;
[ERROR] : sourceId = 344963552;
[ERROR] : sourceURL = "file:///Users/hivelocity/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.1/Applications/6B8062FB-B379-407A-8553-184EED274850/FaveBooks.app/alloy/controllers/index.js";
[ERROR] : }
be sure that bookdetails is a window and not a view.
To check, just open bookdetails.xml and check tag of Window is there or not.